Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dark, Dreary (&yet still Delightful) Düsseldorf

A couple of weeks ago, I went to Düsseldorf with some of my international friends. It's only an hour away from Aachen by train, and it's free for us, so we were pretty stoked to go. Bitterly cold and cloudy like always, we didn't stay for too long because we were frozen to the core. I liked Düsseldorf, because it had a really weird mixture of modern architecture and pretty old buildings. We saw a giant market, the Altstadt ("old city" where I tried Altbier, the beer made in Düsseldorf), and walked along the windy river bank until we got to the TV tower and modern edge. Across the river from the TV tower and boardwalk were some sheep just a-grazing away.It was pretty funny to see them right smack in the middle of the city. I'm going to keep this blog short and let the pictures tell the story. 

A pretty canal into the city

Old vs New
Market goods! (Those are tomatoes!!)

International Friends!! (Poland, Spain, Columbia, Czech, and America) 

Hauptbahnhof = Main train station

And while I was freezing in Düsseldorf, Aachen was bursting into Spring!! I came home to this!

1 comment:

  1. Most of the photos int the middle didnt come through. Might want to check it out from your end.
